Friday, October 1, 2010

Plan B Days

There are days when regardless of how well you plan, the end result doesn't even begin to resemble what you thought it would look like. I submit exhibit A.

exhibit A
This is what the bread I bake for the weekly Farmer's Market should look like. I have 15 loaves just like this, all bagged and ready to go to the market tomorrow morning.  However, there are usually 16 loaves. Thus, we have arrived at exhibit B.

exhibit B
Exhibit B displays what loaf 16 looks like after little fingers found it. Now, I have had experience with little people eating the fresh baked bread before. The difference was that Abigail simply lifted the loaf up, took a very unfeminine chunk-bite, grinned around her bread-filled mouth, and hopped down from the table to continue with her day.

Today, though, sweet little Jane was standing next to me pointing up at the freshly baked bread calling "num-num-num" while I was bagging the bread. This seems to be Jane's catch-all phrase for food. We hear it when she's hungry, when she plays with the little food, or when she simply walks into the kitchen. So knowing that she had just completed a meal of 2 bananas, 3-dozen quartered grapes, 2 slices of cheese and a dish of ice-cream, I simply smiled down at her, agreed that the bread looked yummy, and went back to bagging.

The next thing I heard were soft smacking sounds coming from below. Jane had dug her tiny fingers right into the corner and was grinning up at me around her chunk of bread. Ahhh, so in this case "num-num-num" actually did mean, "Please, might I have a bite of bread?"

The bread already being unfit for sale and Jane's grin being oh so charming, I slid the bread closer to the edge and enjoyed watching her eat to her heart's content. Eventually, Jane involved Elias in her breaking of the bread and the two of them easily polished off the top of the loaf before the rest of the locusts descended, leaving exhibit B in their wake. You just can't plan that.

No, baking 16 loaves of bread and watching one be nibbled really wasn't in the plan today. But I have learned that Plan B days tend to be a whole lot better than any plan I originally came up with. They make for far better memories.

1 comment:

Wee Little Weis said...

I love Plan B days...then again...I love Jane too :-)