Dawson to Isabelle: If I ask you a question & you answer wrong, will you read a book?
Isabelle: Which book is it?
Dawson: It's a blind bet, so I can't reveal the book.
Isabelle: Okay. I think I can do it.
Dawson: Who was responsible for the Emmancipation Proclimation?
Isabelle: (thinks for a moment) Wasn't that Harry S Truman?
Dawson:(gleefully) Nope! He dropped the A Bomb! It was Abraham Lincoln!
Isabelle: Oh, man! What do I have to read?
Dawson: (hands her the book) You obviously need to read this one.
Isabelle: (looks at the title) The Emmancipation Proclimation? Fine. I'll read it. And then I'll quiz you on what is inside. And if you answer anything wrong, you have to read it.
Dawson: I'm too smart to agree to that!
Isabelle: If you were really smart, you would have read it before you challenged me.
Dawson: Drat. (sighs) I'll read it. But you'd better remember who was smart enough to make us both learn something today.
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