Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pleasantly Exhausted

Well, after being introduced to the Twilight series 10 days ago, I thought I would share some crazy stats. 

I read Twilight in one sitting, finishing at 3 am last Sunday morning.  I couldn't put the book down.  Then, Scotty read Twilight on Monday in one sitting from 9 am to 8 pm -- even forgetting to eat.  

We went to see the movie for the first time on Thursday evening -- paying FULL PRICE at the theater.  

I picked up two copies of the second book, New Moon, on Friday so Scott and I could read at the same time.  I finished that evening, Scotty finished Saturday evening, devouring 350 pages of the book while at work.  (He actually managed to speed read!)  

We saw the movie for a second time on Sunday night -- again full price.  But we did forgo popcorn both times, which is usually a must for me.  

Then we went to the movie AGAIN last night with Jenna and Aaron -- they bought the popcorn.

I came home and began reading Eclipse, book three in the series, around 10:45 pm and due to crazy kids night-time-activities (namely from Abigail, Keats & Aidan), I actually finished the book at about 5:30 am.  I was already up, so I grabbed the final book in the series, Breaking Dawn, and just polished it off 30 minutes ago.  16 hours of mostly reading -- I haven't done that since our honeymoon!

If you haven't read these books yet - you really should.

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